Are you constantly worrying about your weight?

Is there a voice in your head screaming, "You're going to get fat" whenever you down a muffin or bar of chocolate?

You're not alone. 74% of people were reported to have worries about their weight.

If you're one of them, you might want to stick around for this.

We have highlighted secrets to help you maintain a healthy weight. They include:

1. Control your portion sizes:

A portion size is the amount of food you choose to eat at a sitting. Be it a bowl of porridge, noodles or rice, your portion size is the amount you choose to eat.

Experts say that a lack of portion control contributes to weight gain. Thus, if you want to maintain your weight, you should monitor your portion size.

Here's how:

A. Use smaller plates.

Believe it or not, the size of dinnerware -including spoons, plates and bowls- affect how much food a person eats. For instance, a large plate will make the food appear smaller than usual and often lead to overeating.

In one study, people using large bowls ate 77% more pasta than those who ate with a smaller sized bowl. Thus, using smaller wares can control your portion size and reduce the likelihood of eating more than you should.

B. Make vegetables a major constituent of your food.

Veggies contain less calories and amazingly, make you feel full.  By replacing half the carbs or protein in your food with vegetables, you can still eat the same volume of food but with less calories. Smart, isn't it?

C. Eat slowly.

Eating quickly makes you less aware of your satiety. Yes! It takes your brain about 20 minutes to register that you're full. So, when next you're eating, relax a bit. Eating slowly will prevent you from overeating.

D. Use your hands as a serving guide.

One way to gauge your portion size is to use your hands. It's pretty simple. Utilize your hands in measuring your food intake.

  • For carbs:

A portion of carbs should not be bigger than your cupped hand.

  • For protein:

Protein portions should be the size of your palm.

  • For fats:

Your fat portion should approximately be the size of your thumb.

  • For vegetables:

Form a fist with your hand. That's the size of your vegetable portion.

F. Drink water before eating.

Drinking water before you eat will make you feel less hungry and prevent overeating.

2. Eat breakfast.

Breakfast isn't a magical meal. However, it sets the tone for the rest of your day. People who eat breakfast are more likely to have healthier eating habits than those who don't.

3. Track your carb intake.

Weight maintenance is easier to achieve when you monitor the amount of calories that enter your body. Because at the end of the day, you want to consume less carbs than you burn.

Foods rich in carbs (such as white bread) should be avoided at all cost. These foods have been associated with weight gain and can produce counterproductive effects when you're trying to maintain a healthy weight.

4. Stay active.

There are no two ways about it. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, you have to regularly engage in physical activity.

Evidence suggests that people who do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity in a week are more likely to maintain their weight than those who don't.

5. Weigh yourself regularly.

This would help you to be more aware of your weight and encourage healthy behaviours. Ditching the weighing scale might be detrimental to your fitness goals and should not be practiced.

Likewise, the frequency of this exercise is up to you. Some people prefer checking it daily, while others prefer once in a week. Bottom line, you should adopt a habit of checking your weight regularly. It'll help you keep things in check.

6. Find a support group.

No man is an island. I'm sure you've heard that before.

In this journey, you'll need the support of like-minded people. This can be family, friends or a group of people interested in the same goal as you are.

Having a support system will spur you to achieve much more than you would have alone. Find one today.